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Culinary Arts (Foods) 

 Cooking at Home Projects:


In this course, you have 3 home cooking projects that you must do on your own. The first one is different than the following two. The first is an introductory project where you will be making one item on your own at home. The second and third ones are more in-depth and require planning and preparing an entire meal. Please read through each of them carefully and ask me if you have any questions. 


Understand that I assign these projects during a large window period so that students and families can plan for them and do the project when it works best for their schedule. The assignment is NOT intended to be done the night before the FINAL day it's accepted for full points. If you happen to be absent on the final day they are accepted for full points, you MUST email me a copy by the end of the school day and then follow up with the hard copy on the day you return.


Any project turned in after the due date is worth up to 1/2 credit. 

Late projects accepted until 



1st project:       Monday, February 3

2nd project:     Monday, March 30

3rd project:      Monday, May 11


You will need to print the form(s) below and attach all necessary documentation to it.

The second and third projects use the same form for both assignments, but you need to cook two separate meals. Please no Hello Fresh, Blue Apron, etc. for these projects. It should be something that you plan for your family.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Food Handler's Permits

Syllabus/ Make-up Form 

Culture Projects 

Today and tomorrow in class we will be certifying everyone with their Food Handlers Permits. If you already have a permit, please email me with a picture of your card so I can give you the points for this test.

The website you need to go to is:


Once you get there, choose a new or returning user (depending on what you are) and take the test. When finished, choose Group Code under the Payment section and put in the following code for the class period you're enrolled in.


Period 1: 8822

Period 2: D3B5

Period 3: E569

Period 5: F462

Period 6: FF95

Attached you will find the syllabus and Foods Make up Forms. Recipes on Skyward.

For the first 3 foods labs that you miss, you can make the dish up at home. Please download and print off the attached Makeup form, fill it out and return it to me. Email me if you have any questions regarding this process.

If you miss more than 3 foods labs, you must make the lab up in school on designated Wednesday mornings. All in school makeups must be completed during the next makeup session (meaning you cannot wait until the end of the semester to make them all up). Extenuating circumstances will be treated appropriately.

The schedule for these make up sessions can be found below. 


You are responsible for doing the following if participating in an in-school make up:

  1. Contact me by the Monday prior to the Wednesday morning you are doing the makeup

  2. Bring in your own ingredients to prepare the dish missed

  3. Research the time necessary to prepare the dish on your own and arrive with adequate time to do so. Keep in mind that you are on your own for this and must clean up as well. 

  4. If you want to take away what you've made, please bring a container of your own

Attached you will find the description for the Culture Projects that is a requirement in this course. I will be going over this information in the next couple weeks. Please feel free to download the project and look over it. Groups will be presenting on Mondays throughout the rest of the semester.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding this project.

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